

Remove A Non-Native Tree To Make Room For Native Additions

27 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Managing your landscape can be a simple or challenging process depending on the completeness of the yard along with the types of plants throughout the entire space. An empty backyard will not be difficult to maintain while a landscape with all non-native plants may be rather tough. If you have a non-native tree in your backyard that has been troublesome to care for since you moved into the home, you may want to consider a solution in removing the tree.
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Unsure About Removing A Tree On Your Property? 3 Signs It’s Time To Go

27 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

If you have a lot of trees in your backyard, you may be curious about whether they're in good shape or if they may have underlying issues that you may not be aware of. If getting a tree removed sounds like a good idea to you, it's a good idea to start with getting advice from a professional. With how expensive trees can be and how long it takes for them to grow, it makes sense to get advice from a professional before deciding on having any tree removal work done.
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Can Your Homeowners Association Control Tree Removal On Your Property?

27 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

When you move into a subdivision community, there are certain rules that must be followed if you are under the rules of a homeowners association (HOA). The HOA decides what the overall neighborhood should look like, which gives them control of what you do on your own property to a certain extent. This can involve the removal of trees from your yard without your consent. Here are some things you need to know about tree removal and your HOA.
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Why You Need To Leave Stump Removal To The Professionals

27 December 2017
 Categories: , Blog

Large trees have a tendency to get knocked down during a storm thanks to wet soil, disease that weakens the roots, and high winds. You can do all that work yourself to remove the resulting stump, but it is safer and easier to hire a tree service to remove both the tree and its stump from your lawn. If left alone to rot on its own, the tree will cause the grass to die under it and eventually the stump will rot and leave a large hole in your yard.
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About Me
Getting Trees Trimmed

After I moved into my house, I realized that there were some serious problems with the trees around our place. They seemed diseased, and I wasn't sure what to do about the problem. Fortunately, a friend of mine referred me to a great tree trimmer, and he helped me to identify and remove branches that weren't supposed to be there. It was really great to see how much of a difference it made, and within a few months my entire yard was completely renovated. This blog is here to help other people to trim their trees and beautify their yards.
