Getting Trees Trimmed

Getting Trees Trimmed

Two Causes of Bark Damage and What to Do About Them

30 May 2018
, Blog

Bark girdling is a real issue, and it can kill a landscape tree. This type of girdling occurs when too much bark is lost around the circumference of the tree. When this occurs, the inner layer of bark is no longer there to aid in the transport of nutrients to the branches above, which will eventually cause the tree to die. Fortunately, you can prevent this from happening if you know the main causes and how to prevent them.
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Beautiful Walnut Trees In Your Front Yard? 3 Things That Can Damage Them

21 March 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Walnut trees provide you with walnuts during certain parts of the year and they are resistant to many pests and diseases. There are still some things that can hurt a walnut tree that you may not think about, however. Below are three of these things so you can keep your trees in great condition. Too Much Mulch Mulch can be beneficial to plants and trees as it helps to hold in moisture.
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Four Tips For A Weed-Free Lawn

13 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Weeds are the bane of any proud homeowner when it comes to their lawn. Yet, few people want to spend all of their free time on the weekends hand pulling weeds. Fortunately, there are other options. The following tips can help you keep a weed free lawn with minimal effort. Tip #1: Use weed fabric Weeds seeds often spread to the lawn from neighboring landscape areas, such as under bushes or in flower beds.
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How To Reduce Your Trees’ Susceptibility To Storm Damage

13 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

Damage from storms is one of the most serious threats your trees face. Fortunately, there are measures you can take to prevent your trees from getting damaged every time there is a storm. Here are some of those measures: Prune and Trim Appropriately Pruning and trimming can go a long way in mitigating wind damage, but only if you get it right. Ideally, you want to thin the tree's foliage or canopy without endangering its health.
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4 Reasons DIY Tree Removal Is So Dangerous

12 February 2018
 Categories: , Blog

If there is a tree on your property that needs to be removed because of decay or for any other reason, you may be concerned about the price, which is why homeowners consider doing the removal on their own. However, this is extremely dangerous and the cost to avoid this danger is worth it in the long run. Here are four reasons why: Power Lines are an Issue: If there are power lines anywhere around the area where the tree is, if it is not removed properly and hits the power lines, then this becomes an extreme hazard.
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About Me
Getting Trees Trimmed

After I moved into my house, I realized that there were some serious problems with the trees around our place. They seemed diseased, and I wasn't sure what to do about the problem. Fortunately, a friend of mine referred me to a great tree trimmer, and he helped me to identify and remove branches that weren't supposed to be there. It was really great to see how much of a difference it made, and within a few months my entire yard was completely renovated. This blog is here to help other people to trim their trees and beautify their yards.
